Make an impression on the earth with your existence. This is why you are here, searching this blog aren't you? In recent times, people have been in distress. Distress because we are finding ourselves in a meaningless, random existence. God may be dead and on this blog, we assume he is. We assume that God is dead and most morality derived from religious scripture is bogus! But here, there is a drive for fundamental goodness. Goodness, not for God or from God but simply to leave an impression, an imprint on the earth that we once lived, loved and adventured in. In this blog you will learn and think about every action you ever initiate, every thought that enters your head and most importantly the impact it has on the immediate people around you and the universe. Memento mori, all that will be left is your stamp on Mother earth. I hope you will think deeply about who you are, what you want and how you will go. You are free, no-one can take that from you.
This blog will house MY opinions and philosophy. I will probably at times contradict myself, but that should let you think, and weigh up what you agree with. I believe you should never attach yourself completely to an idea that is foreign to you, but one should use a logical cherrypicker to create your own ideas! You are not blind nor a you a one way street.