Who is a man with no power? He is useless. Today there are many men with no power. There are many men with money and top positions, but many have are powerless. Power is having the ability to positively influence other human beings into living with love and compassion, this in turns gives others power. The powerful are the most courageous, and it takes courage to give another human being power. Giving someone else power to live to their fullest potential makes many people weary. Many men are scared of other men. Fear grips them. On a macro scale, take a look at the US. One would scoff if I was to say they weren’t powerful. They have external power, such as military and economic power, but they lack truly helpful power. External power is not true power. Destroying others does not help humanity to grow. They lack the courage to sincerely give other countries tools for their success. That is why they are seen to be greedy and immoral. On a micro scale, this is very similar to the man that has ‘everything’, a beautiful house, strong bank account and influence over the workings of his local council, along with an able working body. This man does not lend a helping hand to other where needed he fear’s other men becoming more externally powerful than he. It is a dog eat dog world for this man, his heart is sickly and sad. On the face of things this man has everything, but in the reality of life as beautiful as it is, he has nothing. The man with everything may be a humble cleaner that struggles to pay his rent, but views the world with compassion. He understands that the greatest gift in life is to give. To see a smile on someone’s face is worth a goldmine. But, because we live in a world filled with the needs of external power, the cleaner has fewer tools to be able to give to his comrades. He isn’t able to reach as many people as he can to help. Granted, he helps whenever he can, and this is what gives him power, but an individual with more tools can do more. Now, I’m not saying that the poor cleaner isn’t as compassionately progressed as someone with more tools, I am simply saying he is physically unable to do things that a wealthier man can do. But what is that wealth I am speaking of? It is a balance. A balance between the mind, body and spirit. These combinations must be fully cultivated in order to be the most powerful you can be. None of these components can be left out if one wants to achieve full power. The mind corresponds to learning and thinking. Learn and think to the best of you’re ability my friend, for it will bring much great reward. You will be able to make money, but more importantly you will be able to convey what you know to others. What good is wisdom, if it cannot be shared? The body corresponds to health. Being physically able is imperative. But the body also is the road to both the mind and the spirit. Without a healthy acting body, functions of the mind and spirit will be short changed; therefore you will not be able to unleash the full potential of your power. Spirit links both your body and mind to something more powerful. The spirit corresponds to your higher self, the self that yearns for growth, and is VERY separate to the ego. It needs healing. The spirit needs healing, and lessons are learnt throughout life in order to achieve that, but to rely solely on experience to learn is sloth. Wisdom gives the spirit energy to prevail, and heal. Never turn your back on the wise. Never turn your back on quality advice.