What does it take to be happy? Surely, everyone here on this earth is striving to be happy. I am determined to find out what makes me happy, in a life where vanity and the internet fast love are consuming many, being happy is a very excruciating task. Is it that we may ‘think’ and ponder unnecessarily about happiness in the belief that we, upon yearning to be happy, will be happy? Is happiness a destination? Or something that follows like a guardian angel? Maybe happiness on this earth doesn’t exist, but it does and even if it doesn’t we need hope. It is desire. Desire kills the happiness. This world is plaguing with false desires, false needs, false hopes and false realities. We are in control of our lives. When times seem low, chin up and ask yourself, why so bad? Is it that you’ve lost a loved one to death or disease, or you have lost a physical part of you? If not, then be happy. Do not succumb to unnecessary social pressure. Social pressure is perfectly healthy in the proper dosage, its what keeps most of society abiding the law and so forth. But unnecessary social pressure is a parasite to happiness. Depression is skyrocketing for a reason here on earth. The ‘grass is always leaner on the other side’ bullshit hurts whoever lets it consume them. Its ‘mirror mirror on the wall’ bullshit. WHY DO THESE THINGS EXIST? WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT IN HAVING FALSE DESIRES CONSUMES OUR LIVES? You know what it is it’s a fucking sorting process. It truly sorts the men from the boys, the sluts from the good. It’s so disheartening looking at a world full of rubbish hearts. And you know, that could be offensive to some people, people that think about ‘equality’ in a warped way. The reality is some people are just better than others. Face it, the amount of ‘boys’ in this world that only care about their bank and their cock with no regard for integrity make me sick. Yeah money is good, and yeah sex is fucking awesome. But do it right. And you know what, while I’m at it FUCK ALCOHOL. You like getting pissed do ya? You unhappy muthafucker. You get confidence when your pissed do ya? Yeah fuck you you ain’t shit. Most crime waves throughout history are accredited to alcoholic consumption, and don’t forget all the sluts it has produced. There is a reason why many in the West are turning into a pile of filth. Look around, you will rarely find an individual that is not desensitised to violence, sex and drugs. Me, ill pay my dues on this earth. I’ll work with integrity, every step is a battle against the profane. Am I perfect? Fuck no man, but I strive to better myself in every moment of my life. Fun is temporary and happiness is long lasting. So instead of chasing the highs like a fucking junkie, sit back and relax. Relax in the sense that if you do good things, good things will come. Do not be lazy, but truly relax. You have a duty here, fulfil it, and smile at the stranger beside you. Karma always fucks you whether you like it or not. Live life. Love life. Be truly tranquil.