Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The power of environment
What happens to this child when he is confronted by logical facts that contradict the things he has believed his whole life?
Guilt is the first answer that comes to mind.
What about when this child realizes God may not exist, how does he then deal with problems in his life?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Food for thought
Balance of control and freedom to achieve social harmony.
Laws are in place to control human actions.
Laws do not always produce order.
Through laws we are able to fashion our society’s morality
into the image we want our country to be.
Whether this is for optimal social harmony or otherwise
may be debatable.
Laws should not be in place to achieve justice,
because justice is an abstract concept that may not
Laws should only be in place to achieve a harmonious
We must question whether or not control is healthy
for the individual and society.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
On happiness in la la land
Maybe the truth is, there are no truths at all. No best way to live. No right or wrong. Nothing like 'this is what you should do...' No truths, just comfort in ideas. Comfort for minds that cannot comprehend that we are not right in any of our actions. Maybe thats what make the world go around, comfort. Maybe comfort means contentment, and contentment means happiness.
Nature -> Essence -> Death
Our nature is that we seek, we desire, ultimately for comfort. Comfort of heart. We soon realize that desiring the comfort never gives one comfort. This is the ultimate trap. Freedom of this desire is true freedom. That is a free spirit, a desire-less beast.
You are born into nature. You create the essence of what you want to be in the present and future. Then you will die. More than 99.9% of past, present and future peoples will never know you existed, let alone what you did on earth. So why be hungry, why have a zest for life, why life in true goodness? You do it for YOU. No one else's eyes, but your own. So you can say, with true conviction that you are what you are.
You are all the author's of your condition.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A must read for mortals
Will you lie there and say to yourself, "did i conquer as much as I could?"
Will you ask yourself, did I overcome my condition, was I the best human being I could be?
As one travels the journey of life, the thought of conquering all life can become quite seducing. Is it the "will to power"? It is a deathtrap for many. It creates values that are obsolete, imprisoning. The will to power is a very misunderstood term. What power does this refer to? Man's power over other men? Man's power to conquer his insecurities or the power to deny them?
If God exists, would this be logical to assume...
A coin has two sides
In this game of pointless chance, must we be so sad? Rise up, person of glory, person of vibrancy and the people in pursuit of freedom! Create the ideas, the meaning and the person you want to be. Today, many are in bondage. We have moved from a time where the bondage held the body and free thought, to a time where the heart is in bondage. Our heart is destined to be free, is it not? Today the saying goes "money gives freedom," but what good is money when your soul is now the possession. To be free means to have no fears. What sends chills into your spine, is it love? Fear of poverty? Fear of inadequacy? Fear of unpopularity? Understand that these fears are created, and consume one's soul. These man made 'things' are pointless. Quite simply one hasn't to do anything in life. This sounds lazy to the fool, but to create your essence from nothingness is surely a respectable feat. This is true solitude of the heart. Serene and beautiful. Do not be told what matters, create what matters to you. In fact one has ONE duty, to create themselves, but too often I hear the excuses of those from whom comfort exudes. Liberate yourself, release your fears. Truly create yourself, untouched.
The invisible heart of virtue
Who is the more sincere loving man? The man who, through experience and loss, chaos and rejuvenation acquires a certain value OR the fool whom has no idea of his ideals and begrudgingly pays heed for another man's value? Tell me brother, whom would you trust with your life?
Surely we have the ultimate gift of self-definition and self-ownership. We own our own souls????? We own our own destiny, our beliefs, our love and our life. Surely there is no justice in pressuring another human into an essence that is predetermined from old fashioned cultural norms. Humans should be given the right to determine our own essence. I will tell you something, my friend, now listen for a lioness is about to roar. Insecurity plagues all. They say "money is the root of all evil" or "religion is the root of all evil", but I will shout out that it is man's each and own insecurities that shape intrinsic and extrinsic war. Man is an insecure beast. Predetermined values that are useless, yet many still swear by - cater to extinguish some of the pain these insecurities cause. Do not reject your insecurities by creating extrinsic values, embrace them, within your heart for they will be healed. Do not run!
Once the superior man's heart has cleansed itself of it's impure insecurities, cannot it then say it is an invisible heart of virtues?
The link
Who is a man with no power? He is useless. Today there are many men with no power. There are many men with money and top positions, but many have are powerless. Power is having the ability to positively influence other human beings into living with love and compassion, this in turns gives others power. The powerful are the most courageous, and it takes courage to give another human being power. Giving someone else power to live to their fullest potential makes many people weary. Many men are scared of other men. Fear grips them. On a macro scale, take a look at the
Stop chasing the high
What does it take to be happy? Surely, everyone here on this earth is striving to be happy. I am determined to find out what makes me happy, in a life where vanity and the internet fast love are consuming many, being happy is a very excruciating task. Is it that we may ‘think’ and ponder unnecessarily about happiness in the belief that we, upon yearning to be happy, will be happy? Is happiness a destination? Or something that follows like a guardian angel? Maybe happiness on this earth doesn’t exist, but it does and even if it doesn’t we need hope. It is desire. Desire kills the happiness. This world is plaguing with false desires, false needs, false hopes and false realities. We are in control of our lives. When times seem low, chin up and ask yourself, why so bad? Is it that you’ve lost a loved one to death or disease, or you have lost a physical part of you? If not, then be happy. Do not succumb to unnecessary social pressure. Social pressure is perfectly healthy in the proper dosage, its what keeps most of society abiding the law and so forth. But unnecessary social pressure is a parasite to happiness. Depression is skyrocketing for a reason here on earth. The ‘grass is always leaner on the other side’ bullshit hurts whoever lets it consume them. Its ‘mirror mirror on the wall’ bullshit. WHY DO THESE THINGS EXIST? WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT IN HAVING FALSE DESIRES CONSUMES OUR LIVES? You know what it is it’s a fucking sorting process. It truly sorts the men from the boys, the sluts from the good. It’s so disheartening looking at a world full of rubbish hearts. And you know, that could be offensive to some people, people that think about ‘equality’ in a warped way. The reality is some people are just better than others. Face it, the amount of ‘boys’ in this world that only care about their bank and their cock with no regard for integrity make me sick. Yeah money is good, and yeah sex is fucking awesome. But do it right. And you know what, while I’m at it FUCK ALCOHOL. You like getting pissed do ya? You unhappy muthafucker. You get confidence when your pissed do ya? Yeah fuck you you ain’t shit. Most crime waves throughout history are accredited to alcoholic consumption, and don’t forget all the sluts it has produced. There is a reason why many in the West are turning into a pile of filth. Look around, you will rarely find an individual that is not desensitised to violence, sex and drugs. Me, ill pay my dues on this earth. I’ll work with integrity, every step is a battle against the profane. Am I perfect? Fuck no man, but I strive to better myself in every moment of my life. Fun is temporary and happiness is long lasting. So instead of chasing the highs like a fucking junkie, sit back and relax. Relax in the sense that if you do good things, good things will come. Do not be lazy, but truly relax. You have a duty here, fulfil it, and smile at the stranger beside you. Karma always fucks you whether you like it or not. Live life. Love life. Be truly tranquil.
Be the king of your world
Every once in a while, one has to ask who they are. Hard question to answer? Sometimes I find myself in a dream that’s so far away. Tell me what’s happened to me. Sometimes I see myself falling. Well, I am Darren. I say that word with pride. No, not bullshit pride either, but honour because I am me. Life is a conundrum. Are we a product of the moments in life or do we make them? Neither, we as people are defined by how we handle the ‘shit’ that life throws at us, we learn from the moments that make us, in order to create moments that are strong. Life isn’t easy, by all means. Peoples lives are not set in stone, our lives are not a pre-told story. Travelling somewhere, could be anywhere. Life goes on, bring it on. We can either choose to take a path that seeks fulfilment, happiness and satisfaction but that is a hard road to take. It takes strength, strength to go through the worst and learn. This isn’t pity story either. You start weak to be strong that isn’t hard to understand. We also have our own personal standards that make us who we are. Me? Like I said I am Darren. I want to strive for the best character that I can be. Never do I want to lower myself, but sometimes ‘shit happens.’ When that shit happens I grow, I prosper. At this point of my life I am growing. Sometimes when the ‘shit happens,’ people stand and get the shit kicked out of them. I’m not one of those people. I am my king, one day ill achieve perfection. Perfection hey? Yes until the day I die I will strife to be the best person I can be, one day I will be perfect. Perfection isn’t easy. Perfection first takes the realisation that is must be earned and is valuable to life. It takes sacrifice to what we THINK is sometimes a good act, and knowing it is unhealthy. It takes strength and wisdom, to be able to call your own heart your home. To love yourself for who you are and what you stand for. This gives humanity strength. Veneer’s of vanity mean nothing to the perfect character. To be a good person, a good character trying to settle the bad traits inside of you takes courage, courage to leap into your mind and be your own person. Pie in the sky you say, are you sure about that? If you haven’t tried all of your life to be the best character possible, then you cannot answer such a question. By all means it’s possible, but it’s also hard. Majority of people in society do not hold good character, but to strife for it makes you different. So life please rain down as hard on me as you can, because I am strong, I will survive and be bigger, better, stronger and wiser. For, I am Darren. One day I will be the best character in the world. There will be no publicity, no superstardom, no ‘bullshit’ of that sort. There will only be admiring eyes, admiring eyes that too have seen the true beauty of striving for the best character they can attain. One day I will have a happy family, who too share the same values that I do. I pity the fool, but the fool seldom influences me. At times during my youth there may be instances where the fool sneaks in, and hey it has happened but I’m glad it happened now for I can learn. In life people are lucky to hear me talk, to share what I hold true and to be their friend. Never will I turn my back on someone in need, not even my worse enemy. It is simply not in my nature. I hope whoever reads this listens, but most likely most will laugh. But I am sure you will not be laughing last, if you take the dirty road you will simply exist. Be rich in your soul my friend, there is nothing to loose. You and I are amazing people. Many times, after having been rained upon I have learned to value my soul, to value Darren, the person I am. I am taking a chance on the other side because when I look around I do not see many people that value their lives. We were given life with or without God, we have one chance to live a beautiful life. So stand up, live happy and do what you feel is good. Listen to the words that wise people speak, what is the harm? Unfortunately you may be enjoying the temporary fun your having, you may think that makes you happy and when a wise person speaks you may not have fun. But do NOT mistake happiness for fun, they are different things, COMPLETELY. Happiness comes from true value of yourself, realising that you are beautiful and letting yourself hold yourself true. Let the heart you own, own you not the ego that creates a false security. When you let your ego takes over your life then you do live in a dream that is so far away. You are so far away from what you could be. Ego is never satisfied, you are always falling feeding off your ego. For the people that have told me I would amount to nothing, ill show you. For the people that laugh, laugh as hard as you can now because it is not going to last. An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind. I am the king of me, no-one will ever take that away from me. My heart is mine and ever growing, it is going to stay that way. So, in the times when you think everything is going wrong, make the best of them. When it starts to go right, it will be even better and NEVER fear anything in life, physical or psychological. Dream, believe, succeed and achieve, nothing in life is impossible. Live for what you want, your life is in your hands to make it happen. Go travel the expanse of the world, but if you are not happy within your heart then nowhere will make you happy.
Peace out
Welcome to all
This blog will house MY opinions and philosophy. I will probably at times contradict myself, but that should let you think, and weigh up what you agree with. I believe you should never attach yourself completely to an idea that is foreign to you, but one should use a logical cherrypicker to create your own ideas! You are not blind nor a you a one way street.